Mr Daniel Neen

07546 904 028
BSc Hons MB BS MRCS FRCS (Tr & Orth)
"Almost 1 in 3 of us will experience problems with our shoulders"
Shoulder Conditions
Symptoms arising from the shoulder are very common. Almost 1 in 3 of us will experience problems with the shoulder at any given time. Pain and stiffness are the most frequent symptoms people experience. Pain may be in the joint itself or radiate down the arm to the elbow. Certain movements of the arm may exacerbate the pain, such as using the hand stretched away from the body or reaching for something overhead. In severe cases, sleep may be disturbed, as it can be difficult to lie on the affected side. Stiffness often accompanies pain, frequently during rotational movements when the arm is held away from the body. Injury or degenerative changes in the joint and the surrounding muscles, tendons and ligaments are usually responsible for such symptoms.
A feeling of instability can also arise in the shoulder, often after an injury such as a dislocation, which may have damaged the fibrocartilage that supports the joint.